Bio & Insurance Information

Dr. John Shaia graduated the medical school from the University of Alabama School of Medicine and did his internship at the Baptist Health System. He completed both his residency and fellowship program at the George Washington University. Dr. Shaia is specialized in oncology and board certified in internal medicine and medical oncology. He has been in practice for more than 11 years and is affiliated with the Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center. During his career, he has also contributed to one publication of medical interest which is entitled “Mucosa-associated lymphoma tissue of the dura presenting as meningioma”.

Education & Training

University of Alabama

Medical School

Baptist Health System


George Washington University


George Washington University


Board Certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine

American Board of Internal Medicine - Oncology

Hospitals & Clinics

Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center

Languages: English/Spanish

(415) 833-2000

2238 Geary Blvd

San Francisco, California 94115

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Dr. John L. Shaia has contributed to 1 publications.

Mucosa-associated lymphoma tissue of the dura presenting as meningioma.

Shaia, J., Kerr, P. B., Saini, A., Roberti, F., Kapil, J., Jones, R., Aragon-Ching, J. B.; South Med J. 2010 Sep.

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