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Rounded atelectasis Caused By Exposure to Asbestos
Free Chest X-Ray EvaluationFind Doctors & Specialists Treating Rounded atelectasis Caused By Exposure to Asbestos
Rounded atelectasis, also known as Blesovsky’s atelectatic pseudotumor or folded lung syndrome, is an atypical form of lung collapse due to scarred pleura. It is normally located in a lower lobe, the lingula or the middle lobe. It is a chronic condition. Its main cause is exposure to asbestos or pleural effusion. Rounded Atelectasis is very often mistaken for lung cancer.
Most patients diagnosed with this condition have been exposed to asbestos. Other medical conditions may also lead to rounded atelectasis, such as post-pericardiotomy syndrome, malignancy, cardiac failure, pulmonary infarction, and tuberculosis.
Atelectasis may follow a surgical procedure, due to the anesthesia. The normal effort of breathing is reduced and it may result in lung collapse.
There are no symptoms, in most cases. Symptoms are present in cases where rounded atelectasis is associated with asbestosis. Chest pain, cough or dyspnea are usually reported.
Diagnosing rounded atelectasis is extremely difficult and challenging for radiologists not experienced in everyday pneumological diagnostics. There is no test sensitive to this condition.
It is detected in X-rays taken for other reasons. The best way to diagnose rounded atelectasis is computed tomographic picture. A biopsy may be required to rule out any malignant disease.
There is no treatment available for rounded atelectasis. Surgical intervention is only performed if the function of the lung is severely impaired.
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