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Conditions Treated Lung Cancer Pericardial Mesothelioma Pleural Effusions Pleural Mesothelioma
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Dr. Benjamin Wei is a surgeon from Arizona, more precisely Phoenix, who is affiliated with Maricopa Medical Center. He got his medical degree at the University of Michigan Medical School, then did a residency in General Surgery at Henry Ford Hospital - Wayne State University. Finally, he completed a fellowship at the University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers and then another one at Kleinert Kutz Hand Care Center in hand surgery.
Blue Cross of California
Blue Shield of California
First Health PPO
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
Medical School
New York Presbyterian Hospital - Columbia Campus
Duke University Hospital
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Thoracic Surgery - Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
Robotic lobectomy can be taught while maintaining quality patient outcomes.
Cerfolio RJ1, Cichos KH2, Wei B3, Minnich DJ3.
See more >>One Hundred Planned Robotic Segmentectomies: Early Results, Technical Details, and Preferred Port Placement.
Cerfolio RJ1, Watson C2, Minnich DJ2, Calloway S2, Wei B2.
See more >>Robotic surgery for posterior mediastinal pathology.
Broussard BL1, Wei B1, Cerfolio RJ1.
See more >>Memberships
Thoracic Surgical Residents Association