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Dr. Arthur Sandy, board certified in neuroradiology and diagnostic radiology, has a vast practice experience of nearly 40 years. He graduated from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas and did an internship at the hospitals and medical centers affiliated with the same institution. Dr. Sandy underwent his residency training at the University of California in San Diego, as well as at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. A fellowship program followed at UCSD Medical Center – Hillcrest. He also received the FACR award by ACR in 2012. At the time, Dr. Arthur sandy practices at St. Vincent’s Birmingham and Brookwood Baptist Medical Center in Alabama.
Blue Cross of California
Blue Shield of California
Coventry Health Care
United Healthcare
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical School
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Affiliated Hospitals
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
University of California San Diego
American Board of Radiology
American Board of Radiology - Neuroradiology