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Dr. Scott Buchalter is specialized as a pulmonologist and works in Birmingham, Alabama at the University of Alabama Hospital. He graduated from University of Alabama School of Medicine and did his residency program in internal medicine at University of Alabama Medical Center. The doctor has an experience of more than 20 years and is certified in internal medicine and pulmonary disease.
Blue Cross of California
Blue Shield of California
University of Alabama
Medical School
University of Alabama Medical Center
American Board of Internal Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine - Critical Care Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine - Pulmonary Disease
Durable improvements in efficiency, safety, and satisfaction in the operating room.
Heslin, M. J., Doster, B. E., Daily, S. L., Waldrum, M. R., Boudreaux, A. M., Smith, A. B., Peters, G., Ragan, D. B., Buchalter, S., Bland, K. I., Rue, L. W.; J Am Coll Surg. 2008 May.
See more >>Stark choices for AHCs.
Kilgore, M. L., Buchalter, S. E., Kauffman, K., Nash, M., Capper, S. A., Smith, J. A.; Acad Med. 1998 Aug.
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