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A: No, smoking has not been proved to cause mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Pleural effusion is an affection that consists in the accumulation of liquid around the lungs. When this liquid contains cancerous cells it is called malignant pleural effusion. Read more>>

A: Not every person who is exposed to asbestos gets mesothelioma but you should know that almost all the patients diagnosed with this disease have actually made contact with asbestos. Also, the exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Mesothelioma is a rare type of lung cancer, which affects the thin layer of tissue that covers the internal organs. The disease usually alters the lining of the lungs and chest wall. The most common symptoms of mesothelioma are fatigue, swollen abdomen, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough and weight loss. Read more>>

A: The symptoms of mesothelioma might not appear until 20 to 50 years after the exposure to asbestos. The most common signs of the disease are chest pain, shortness of breath and cough. Read more>>

A: The most important difference between the malignant and benign form of mesothelioma consists in a decreased capacity of invasion and diffusion of the benign type in comparison with the malignant one. Read more>>

A: There are three main subtypes of mesothelioma: sarcomatous, epithelioid and biphasic. Read more>>

A: Pleural mesothelioma is the most frequent form of the disease, representing approximately 75% of the mesothelioma cases. Read more>>

A: So far, a cure for mesothelioma does not exist but the latest therapies have been proved to improve the life expectancy of the patients with mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Metastatic cancer represents any form of cancer that spreads from the main point of development to different structures of the body. Read more>>

A: Mesothelioma is known to be a very aggressive type of cancer. Even though the genetic changes that result in the development of the disease usually take a long time, the tumor spreads very quickly to different structures of the body. Read more>>

A: Metastasis happens when the cancerous cells reach other organs traveling through the bloodstream or even through the lymphatic system and invade them, forming secondary tumors that start growing. Read more>>

A: Keeping a suitable diet, running a simple test and keeping track of your health problems can help you prevent and detect mesothelioma earlier. Read more>>

A: A patient who suffers from mesothelioma usually gets in contact with different doctors during the diagnostic and treatment process. Read more>>

A: GPs, oncologists, radiologists, general surgeons, pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons are the medical professionals who are part of the treatment team most of the times. Read more>>

A: The time between initial exposure to asbestos and when the mesothelioma is definitively diagnosed by a doctor is called the latency period. It is a common feature of mesothelioma to be a long period of time, 20 to 50 years, between exposure and diagnosis. Read more>>

A: Mesothelioma can be difficult to treat with the common approaches because it is not typical cancer and many doctors lack the experience in treating it. However, there are options to be taken into account, from the typical surgery and/or radiation to alternative methods. Read more>>

A: Mesothelioma is defined as a type of cancer that occurs in the covering of the lung, but also in the lining of the pleural and abdominal cavities (mesothelium). Mesothelioma is a relatively rare, and also an aggressive and deadly form of cancer. Read more>>

A: Pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer are two major types of cancer generally caused by significant exposure to asbestos. They may have overlapping symptoms, but they are actually different. Read more>>

A: Pleural plaques are almost invariably caused by asbestos exposure. Consequently, having inhaled asbestos fibers for an extended period of time may represent a very significant risk factor in developing this condition. Read more>>

A: No. Although there is an increased risk of developing mesothelioma when pleural plaques have been diagnosed, such cases are not very common. Read more>>

A: There are various diseases and conditions, which may lead to the appearance of clubbed fingers, the most commonly encountered being cystic or pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, asbestosis and bronchiectasis. Read more>>

A: The clubbing of the fingers causes visible changes in the physical appearance of fingers, affecting the nails in particular. The typical signs of clubbed fingers are softening of the nail plate (which causes the nail to appear less attached to the finger), downright curving of the nail, a sharper angle between the nail and the cuticle, as well as thickening of the finger tip, which may appear larger. Read more>>

A: No. Since the clubbing of the fingers is usually a symptom of a more severe condition, there is no certain way of preventing it. Read more>>

A: Although there are certain similarities between pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer, the two diseases are very different in terms of prevalence, causes, the region of the lung affected, latency period, as well as the structure of cancerous tumors. Read more>>

A: Although research aimed at discovering whether the use of talcum powder increases women’s risk for ovarian cancer have been relatively inconclusive, it is generally believed that a correlation between the two of them exists. Read more>>

A: Although this particular type of mesothelioma has not been extensively researched and thus its exact causes and development process are not completely known, asbestos exposure is generally believed to be a very important risk factor for the occurrence of testicular mesothelioma as well. Read more>>

A: It is essential to identify the type of cancerous cells contained by the tumor, as some cell types respond more efficiently to treatment than others, thus implying a prolonged life expectancy and an improved prognosis. Read more>>

A: Yes. Testicular mesothelioma is a very aggressive and resistant form of cancer and recurrence is thus quite likely to occur within several years of treatment. Read more>>

A: Yes, there are two different forms of pleural effusion: exudative and transudative pleural effusion. Read more>>

A: Chemotherapy is usually the primary treatment for patients diagnosed with pulmonary cancer or mesothelioma and it is also recommended after a surgical intervention in order to remove the remaining cancerous cells. Read more>>

A: Radiotherapy is one of the primary treatments for mesothelioma and it is used in order to control the growth and spreading of the cancer and also to reduce pain and other symptoms. Along with the benefits, radiation also has some side effects and the most common ones are fatigue, nausea and “sunburn”. Read more>>

A: Biopsy is required as it helps doctors confirm the diagnosis of mesothelioma and it consists of a tissue sample taken by your doctor, which is examined microscopically by a pathologist. Read more>>

A: The most common complications that appear during a surgical intervention are severe bleeding and bronchial stump fistula. Read more>>

A: The available therapeutic options include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, multimodal therapy and supportive therapies. The purpose of all these alternatives is to extend the survival period and to improve the quality of life. Read more>>

A: Surgery has proved to be a little disappointing as the median survival after a surgical intervention is only 11.7 months. Read more>>

A: Multimodal therapy consists in a combination of treatment methods in order to achieve better results. Read more>>

A: Several factors like the type of cancer, location of the tumor and the patient’s general health state are taken into account by doctors when choosing a treatment option. Read more>>

A: Once the cancer spreads in the body and forms metastases, the initial treatment plan is likely to change according to the number, size and location of the metastases. An oncologist who is experienced in treating mesothelioma can suggest the best treatment option both for the initial cancer and the metastases. Read more>>

A: Treatment can ameliorate the symptoms of the disease, which might make you feel uncomfortable and weak but it can also lead to unpleasant side effects. Read more>>


Because the symptoms of mesothelioma are very similar to those associated with less severe respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, asthma or bronchitis, the disease can easily be misdiagnosed or overlooked. Consequently, choosing a highly qualified oncologist specialized in mesothelioma cases and undergoing specific tests and diagnostic procedures are crucial for a proper and accurate evaluation. Due to the aggressive nature of the disease and its overall poor prognosis, prompt specialized treatment is essential if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma.

One or a combination of the following treatment options is available for patients with mesothelioma:

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A cancer diagnosis is always devastating, regardless of the type and severity of the disease. Nevertheless, struggling with mesothelioma is perhaps even more difficult due to the aggressive nature and negative prognosis associated with this form of cancer. Our primary mission is to provide reliable and up-to-date medical resources for people who believe might suffer from mesothelioma, as well as for patients who have already been diagnosed. We understand how challenging and frustrating not being able to find the right specialist who can quickly offer you appropriate treatment can be.

We are permanently willing to dedicate our time and effort to making useful medical resources available to anyone who might need them. Our main goals are the following:

  • To educate as many people as possible about mesothelioma
  • To help patients find the right mesothelioma specialist who can provide them with effective treatment
  • To prompt people who are at high risk for mesothelioma to get diagnosed
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A: The standard treatment for laryngeal cancer entails one or a combination of the following approaches, depending on the severity of the disease: radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Read more>>

A: Pleural mesothelioma is the most widespread type of mesothelioma and thus there are an increased number of alternative treatments available, such as treatment with measles virus, immunotherapy, intrapleural virotherapy, gene therapy and photodynamic therapy. Read more>>

A: Yes, there are several alternative treatments for lung cancer. These treatments are often used as a complementary aid for traditional therapies. Read more>>

A: Deciding whether to join a clinical trial or not is the very own choice of the patient and the risk and benefits should be discussed with the doctor in charge. However, it is important to know that patients who are diagnosed with incurable cancer like mesothelioma would have more benefits than losses by entering a clinical trial as it makes experimental treatments (which are not available otherwise) accessible. Read more>>

A: If you decide to enter a clinical trial you should, first of all, discuss with your health care provider the risks and the benefits that you are exposed to by undergoing an experimental treatment. Your doctor can help you find a suitable clinical trial for you. Read more>>

A: Experimental treatments, which are available when entering a clinical trial can offer a better chance to a long-term survival. However, they also involve a high element of risk and it is not guaranteed that they will work for all the patients. Read more>>

A: Yes. Patients diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma can opt for partaking in clinical trials for experimental treatment methods such as immunotherapy and gene therapy. Read more>>

A: Yes. Although the majority of clinical trials focus on treating pleural mesothelioma in particular, there are also several alternative treatment options available for this type of cancer. Read more>>

A: Yes. There are numerous treatment options for pleural mesothelioma available through clinical trials, as this type of cancer is the most prevalent among patients diagnosed with mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Due to the fact that testicular mesothelioma is an extremely rare type of cancer, treatments available in clinical trials are limited. However, there are several treatment options a patient suffering from this form of mesothelioma can undergo in clinical trial, which can be found here: https://www.mesotheliomadr.com/clinical-trials. Read more>>

A: Online resources, such as https://www.mesotheliomadr.com/clinical-trials, as well as local hospitals and medical centers, particularly those focused on cancer treatment and research, may prove to encompass very useful information regarding alternative treatment options for ovarian cancer, which are currently available in clinical trial. Read more>>

A: Yes, there are several clinical trials patients can join. Read more>>

A: Yes, there are multiple clinical trials available for lung cancer. Patients can enroll and receive experimental treatment. Read more>>

A: Yes. Men are more frequently diagnosed with pulmonary malignant mesothelioma than women and there is a maximum incidence of the disease after 35-45 years after the exposure to asbestos. Read more>>

A: Living near an asbestos mine, working in the construction industry or automotive industry are just a few of the factors that increase the chances of getting mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Research has shown that occupations with high rates of mesothelioma are: shipyard workers, pipe-fitters, boiler workers, machinists, welders and electricians. Read more>>

A: Veterans who worked in the army between 1930 and 1970 do have greater chances of getting asbestos-related cancer and other respiratory affections because the military occupations have exposed them to high levels of asbestos. Read more>>

A: The most common cause of pleurisy is a viral infection of the lungs. Other conditions in which pleurisy may be present are pneumonia, bronchitis, lymphoma, a bacterial or fungal infection, rib fractures, pulmonary embolism, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Pericardial mesothelioma is a very aggressive form of cancer and thus recurrence is almost inevitable. Read more>>

A: As with all types of mesothelioma, the recurrence of peritoneal mesothelioma is also inevitable eventually. Read more>>

A: Due to the aggressive and complex process by which pleural mesothelioma affects the body, the chances of this form of cancer recurring are very high. Read more>>

A: Pleural effusion can be triggered by several factors like inflammation, heart and lung diseases or tumors. Nevertheless, patients who suffer from these conditions don’t necessarily develop pleural effusion. Read more>>

A: Asbestos exposure is the main cause that leads to diffuse pleural thickening. Asbestos has been widely used in multiple household products and building materials. Long-term exposure to this mineral’s fibers and dust particles is the most frequent proven cause of diffuse pleural thickening. Read more>>

A: Yes, there are several other causes that might trigger diffuse pleural thickening. Nevertheless, asbestos exposure remains the most common cause associated with this disease. Read more>>

A: Doctors use the staging of the disease in order to determine the most efficient treatment. Stage 1 cancer can be treated surgically while for a more advanced mesothelioma (stage 2, 3 or 4) a surgical intervention might not be an option anymore. Read more>>

A: Tumor grading is a process used by doctors in order to classify the cancerous cells based on how these appear under the microscope. Read more>>

A: Stage I offers the best chances of survival because the disease has an incipient form and can be treated surgically and stage IV is the most serious form of the disease. Read more>>

A: Doctors use three main staging systems for mesothelioma, especially for the pleural type: Butchart, TNM and Brigham. The last two are the most frequently used by specialists but some doctors believe that none of them is accurate enough. Read more>>

A: The symptoms of the metastasis are similar to the normal symptoms of mesothelioma and manifest themselves in the area of the body where the affected organ is located. Read more>>

A: Laryngeal cancer has five stages. Stage 0, also known as Carcinoma in Situ, is considered to occur when abnormal cells have been detected in the lining of the larynx. Read more>>

A: Pericardial mesothelioma is an extremely rare form of cancer, accounting for approximately 1% of all asbestos-related cancerous diseases. Thus, stages are not used to evaluate the severity and evolution of pericardial mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: There are four stages used to assess the severity and evolution of pleural mesothelioma. Read more>>

A: Asbestos is a set of 6 fibrous minerals that can lead to a series of respiratory diseases, even lung cancer. Read more>>

A: There are several ways through which people can accidentally make contact with asbestos: work exposure, environmental exposure, indirect exposure, use of asbestos in constructions. Read more>>

A: The general survival rate for patients with mesothelioma is one year. However, almost 37% of the patients younger than 45 and 20% of the patients aged 45-54 survive for 3 years or longer. Read more>>

A: There are several aspects that can help you improve your long-term survival chances like the early detection of the disease, the treatment options available if you enter a clinical trial or even a special diet. Read more>>

A: The aspects that have a significant influence on the life expectancy are: the cell type, location of the tumor, age, gender, cancer stage, general health state. Read more>>

A: Yes. Thanks to the new therapies and innovative clinical trials available nowadays, some patients manage to live for more than 5 years. Read more>>

A: If diagnosed in its initial stages, laryngeal cancer has a positive prognosis. However, the recovery process is significantly more challenging when the disease has advanced, as treatment options are limited and less likely to cure it. Read more>>

A: The risk of laryngeal cancer recurring is particularly higher in the 2 to 3 years following recovery, while very few cases of recurrences have been reported after 5 years. Read more>>

A: Pericardial mesothelioma typically has a very poor prognosis, most cases being diagnosed after autopsy. Read more>>

A: Similarly to pleural and pericardial mesothelioma, the prognosis is also negative when this form of cancer occurs in the lining of the abdomen. Read more>>

A: When peritoneal mesothelioma has been diagnosed in a patient, their life expectancy depends on a series of factors such as the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment approach used. Thus, life expectancy varies from several months to over five years. Read more>>

A: The average prognosis for testicular mesothelioma is relatively poor, with a life expectancy of approximately 20 months after the diagnosis. However, there are a series of factors which, if taken into consideration by the patient, may significantly improve their prognosis. Read more>>

A: Asbestosis prognosis is frequently positive. After diagnosis, patients can live with this condition for several years or decades. Read more>>

A: Yes, patients diagnosed with asbestosis can live a normal life, provided that they follow the doctor’s instructions and take the right medication. Read more>>

A: The prognosis for lung cancer depends on the evolution of the disease: there are higher survival rates if the tumor is local and it hasn’t spread to other parts of the body. Read more>>

A: Lung cancer can cause a series of complications like breathing difficulty or an abnormal heart rhythm as it progresses and extends to other organs. The correlated treatments may also cause complications. Read more>>

A: The answer is yes, lung cancer can recur. Unfortunately, this can happen no matter what stage the disease was when it was cured. Read more>>

A: There are several ways to help you cope with the disease easier. Being informed and asking for support are two major aids. Read more>>